Dotster domain review

Price is important but we know that it's not everything. Registrar reviews and ratings allow you to find the balance between the cheapest domain and top quality service. Share your own experiences in order to help the community!
(2 reviews)

Share your experience of Dotster

2020-10-31 duocore05705

Dotster wrote off my card money without my consent

Dotster have withdrawn from me money for service which I didn't order.

$17.49. Card **** 0530

I renew domain names at the price about $8.59. But not $17.49.

I didn't read the letter which Dotster sent

1. I did not subscribe to Dotsterr newsletter

2017-04-21 interlimited

Dotster wrote off my card money without my consent

Dotster have withdrawn from me money for service which I didn't order.

$17.49. Card **** 0530

I renew domain names at the price about $8.59. But not $17.49.

I didn't read the letter which Dotster sent

1. I did not subscribe to Dotsterr newsletter

2. I did not open spam

I didn't buy service

I don't need service

I didn't confirm payment

This is a huge non-respect for the user.

I asked about a personal discount, which compensates me for the costs. For example, I could be given a discount to renew the domain. But nothing was given to me.

This is a huge non-respect for the user again.