123-reg domain review

Price is important but we know that it's not everything. Registrar reviews and ratings allow you to find the balance between the cheapest domain and top quality service. Share your own experiences in order to help the community!
(3 reviews)

Share your experience of 123-reg

2019-04-21 Web Dude in UK

domain pricing no longer competitive (see TheRegister co uk for comments about them hiking up prices for UK domains). I will never use this firm again. Maybe because they are part of a bigger group they are under some corporate "rip off the Brits" rules these days.

2018-02-05 ben

Horrible navigation, overpriced hosting packages, they make it very difficult to cancel a hosting plan you may have purchased.

2015-06-20 John Ubhie

Surprised to see that there are no reviews (as of writing). These guys are very big in the UK, where I'm based. Currently have many domains registered with them and no issues.